Please complete the form below to sign up for our Community Partner Program.  We will contact you once your registration is received.  Please email Fundraising with questions.  Thank You!

Item DescriptionPriceQty
Sponsorship Levels
 Platinum Level Sponsorship$3,500.00 
 Gold Level Sponsorship$2,500.00 
 Silver Level Sponsorship$1,500.00 
 Friends of the Band Level Sponsorship$500.00 
Company Info

Please provide artwork for your logo which will be used in all advertising based on the level you chose. Logo must be in digital format. Preferred file formats: .eps, .ai, or “vector”. If submitted as .jpg, the size must be at least 6” at its smallest point and 300 dpi. Color artwork is highly encouraged.


You may also email your logo to Fundraising.